Regogo Records

Tracking, Mixing, Post-Production, and Live Showcase Performances.

Regogo Records is a state-of-the-art boutique recording studio located just north of Uptown Dallas.  Featuring an array of leading-edge technologies and classic analog and digital equipment, our experienced engineers and producers strive to deliver the highest level of client satisfaction and sound engineering in a contemporary custom designed facility.

We sustain a comfortable environment and creative mindset so you can express your artistic vision in a professionally finished product.  Whether tracking a full band or soloists, recording voiceovers, transferring and mixing post-concert multimedia stems or pitch correcting vocals, Regogo Records offers everything you need to plan, record and mix most genres of music or audio production.

Regogo Records also hosts artist showcases and live performances.

Contact us about producing your next project!

RR Entrance
Paul Rego and Regogo Racing
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